A Nigerian woman has taken to social media to complain about her marital problems which she claimed are caused by the fact that her spouse makes less money than she does.
She revealed that she was thinking about getting a divorce because her husband grumbles like a woman and she basically supports the family financially She claimed she was tired of having to take care of the majority of the family’s requirements and costs, including the family’s share of the rent, school costs, and food. Read On ...
Source : Yabaleftonline : https://www.yabaleftonline.ng/i-am-tired-of-being-the-tech-sis-breadwinner-lady-laments-nagging-husband/
Tosin Olaseinde, a Nigerian investor, has sent out words of advice to unmarried people. She advised people planning to ...Read more
Submitted on 2 December, 2023 04:42 am